Share some meaningful activities worth doing on Earth Day.
1. Boating
If your local lake or river is no longer frozen, now is a great time to get out and paddle! Even if the water is too cold for swimming, there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying the scenery from your boat! Just make sure to follow basic safety measures.

2. Make a cup of full moon tea
The full moon will shine in the sky on Tuesday, April 23. Humans have been paying attention to the changing phases of the moon for thousands of years, and this time seems like a special opportunity to celebrate spring with its nourishing moonlight. Simply place your favorite tea herb in a clear glass jar, cover with purified water and lightly secure the lid, then place it under the moonlight and reap the magical healing benefits the next morning!

3. Start gardening
Nothing feels more connected to the earth than planting it in the soil with your own hands. Just place a few pots on your patio, balcony or sunny window and you'll be able to harvest a plethora of delicious treats. Gardening is also a great way to teach children about food autonomy and develop a connection to the land.

4. Harvest rainwater
You can collect rainwater to water your garden without increasing your water bill. You can buy a rainwater collector made from eco-friendly materials, or you can make your own by adding a lid, spigot, and downspout from an old clean bucket or trash can. Installation may take a little time, but it'll be worth it in the long run!

5. Do some outdoor yoga
Grab a few friends, or simply head outside and practice yoga alone. Simply spread out your yoga mat on a flat, tick-free area and let your senses guide you through whatever pose feels right. This is a great opportunity to focus on physical and mental health and connect with nature. If you can get to a local beach at sunrise or sunset for some naturally guided sun and moon yoga, even better!