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5 Unique Canada Day Activity Ideas
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5 Unique Canada Day Activity Ideas

Who doesn't love Canada Day? Long weekends, hot weather and patriotic feelings are the perfect ingredients for those who love celebrations. Check out our 5 unique and memorable ideas for Canada Day celebrations.

1. A delicious traditional barbecue or picnic lunch

Canada is a magical land. With mountains, breathtaking prairies, crystal clear lakes and unique forests, it would be a shame not to get outdoors and enjoy these beauties on Canada Day. You can host an unforgettable picnic or barbecue with friends at a park, and don't forget the simple setup.

2. Maple Syrup Flavored Ice Cream

It's a hot summer day, so of course you'll want to enjoy cold Canadian treats at your party. Add some maple flavor to your celebration with maple syrup flavored ice cream.

3. Cocktail Bar

Canada is home to some of the most delicious cocktails in existence. Have fun making your own cocktails to liven up your holiday celebrations!

4. Canadian Color Themed Candy

Candy is a universal favorite. Your family, friends and coworkers will love the patriotic excuse to satisfy their sweet tooth. How do you choose the perfect Canadian themed candy station? It all depends on the color!

5. Canadian themed temporary tattoos and body painting

Why not adorn your skin with some Canadian style artwork? Anyone can take part in this fun activity, no matter what their age. Cover yourself in maple leaves or our unique wildlife, or decorate your hair in red and white. It's a party after all!

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