The annual Easter is here again. Easter traditions vary around the world. Easter egg activities are a big event throughout Europe. In many countries, such as Germany and Switzerland, it is customary to hide Easter egg nests at Easter. The owner of these egg baskets is the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny goes on a journey to find them. Each basket is filled with chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs, candy, toys and more.
Next, let’s take you into the traditional Easter cultural customs around the world.
1. American Easter customs
In the United States, Easter is a traditional social and collective holiday. In the Christian calendar, Easter follows Lent. Lent is a 40-day period that begins on Ash Wednesday. Lent is dedicated to penance and fasting and lasts from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Lent is a time of reflection and fasting for many Christians. This commemorates the last days before Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.
Every year on the Monday after Easter, the White House holds an "egg-out" contest. For many American kids, it's not easy to get onto the South Lawn of the White House and roll an egg. The White House "egg rolling" contest is the most famous and unique Easter event in the United States. The earliest "Get Out" competition was held on the lawn of Capitol Hill. In 1878, with the approval of then US President Hayes, the "Get Out" competition was moved to the White House. The White House, which is usually heavily guarded, allowed the public to get close to each other on this day. In the early years, the first lady was often the "egg-opening" guest, and they also showed off their "people-friendly" attitude on this day.
2. British Easter customs
Willow branches decorated with various colorful eggs are popular as gifts in many countries, and the UK is no exception. This Easter gift is believed to bring good luck to people. In Britain, most festivals have religious origins, and there is another legendary story about the origin of Easter, which commemorates the birth of Astaroth, the half-sister of the pagan god Baal in Western Asia.

The main celebrations in the UK take place on Easter Sunday. Alongside the formal celebrations and religious celebrations, there are many interesting events taking place in villages, towns and cities throughout Britain and Northern Ireland. There is also an egg-rolling competition held during Easter in northern England. This is one of the most high-profile events taking place at Everingham Park in Preston, Lancashire. In addition, Easter garden parties are traditionally held in various places, where a variety of utensils will be sold, and there will also be various games and competitions. Traveling to the UK will provide you with a list of celebrations taking place across the UK.
3. Italian Easter customs
Some regions in Italy also have the tradition of Easter processions. In Italy, the pope plays a leading role in Easter celebrations throughout Italy. The Pope celebrated a high mass on Good Friday in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Then, during Easter Mass in Italy, a spectacular cross is raised into the night sky.
These include the Stations of the Cross procession in front of the Colosseum in Rome. Italian Catholics account for 83% of the country's population, and Easter is a holiday for all Italians. Whenever a festival comes, the whole country celebrates together, and almost every village and town holds a parade or celebration. Among them, the ceremony in Florence is the largest, and the fireworks and gun salutes at the ceremony are even more lively. After the fireworks show, the archbishop will pray, and the "Medieval Century" blessing team will distribute olive branches and "holy" eggs representing good luck to tourists, allowing tourists to feel auspicious and festive.
4. Swedish Easter customs
In Sweden, Easter is an important Christian holiday. Sweden is a Christian country. For Swedish people, Easter is not only the day of Jesus’ resurrection, but also the time of spring resurrection. They celebrate this festival in their own unique way. After a long winter, the Nordic people happily hung colorful feathers and colorful eggs all over the world, regardless of the fact that there was still snow in the distant mountains and their cotton-padded clothes were still wet. Easter is inseparable from chicken feathers and eggs. Eggs symbolize the beginning of new life and the resurrection of all things.
Therefore, Christians use eggs as a symbol of Jesus' resurrection. Eggs dyed red and yellow symbolize a happy life, and colorful feathers symbolize a thriving chick. The flowers have not yet bloomed during Easter in Sweden, so beauty-loving Swedes use colorful feathers instead of flowers to make Easter colorful. Easter is coming, and schools have a week-long spring break. Parents also choose this time off to accompany their children to play around, or to do spring cleaning at home, and then hang festive eggs and colorful feathers on trees, walls or flower pots.
5. Russian Easter Customs
From the day of Orthodox Christianity to the October Revolution of 1917, Russia's admiration for Easter lasted for 935 years. The October Revolution not only overthrew the tsarist rule but also overturned centuries of tradition. The Soviet regime persecuted the church: churches were closed and believers were considered outcasts in the new secular society. Of course, celebrating Easter is also inappropriate. But the people did not let the national tradition be annihilated. At home, they dyed Easter eggs, baked cylindrical Easter bread, and "kissed each other three times and blessed each other."
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Easter's status in the value system of Russian society was restored. Today, the holiday is celebrated openly and grandly. But to usher in Easter, we need to spend 7 weeks of fasting. The last week is the most severe because it commemorates the Passion of God. People could only eat bread, salt, vegetables and water. Regardless of fasting or not, every Russian family will prepare sumptuous dishes to welcome the arrival of Easter. One of the symbols of Easter is the brightly colored eggs, which are placed on specially cultivated tender grass. Another indispensable embellishment is the cylindrical bread baked for the festival. It is baked with flour added with milk, butter and eggs, accompanied by raisins, preserved fruits, etc., and then spread with sweet egg icing and sprinkled with various cereals. grain.

Folks believe that successful Easter bread should be attractive and delicious, indicating that the family will be happy throughout the year. Next to the bread are the main dishes of Easter. Candles are lit before the meal, and the candlelight reflects the dishes, Russian pies, loaves, kefir, and flatbreads. The official break of the fast is at breakfast.
There are also certain details about Easter meals. Bread and eggs must be baptized in church, usually the day before the festival. People start eating Easter eggs, bumping them against each other to see whose ones are harder, and then eating them. Of course, black tea is indispensable. On the first day of Easter, people usually have gatherings and invite relatives. In addition to the essential dishes, there are many other delicious foods: grilled or roasted chicken, horseradish jelly, "Russian salad", many delicious pickles such as mushrooms, cucumbers and cabbage. The aroma of vodka, brandy and wine filled the table.
6. French Easter customs
In France, the sweetest bells in the world will ring on Easter Sunday. From Green Thursday to Easter Saturday, church bells will stop ringing for three days. When the bells ring on Easter Sunday, people hug and kiss each other.
In France, where church and state have been separated today, the biggest festival in April is still headed by Easter, which has a strong religious color. Even though the number of devout Catholics in France has been declining sharply, April is still one of the most anticipated days for children every year because the Easter holiday lasts for two weeks.
Since the 12th century, people in many European countries have begun the custom of giving Easter eggs to each other. The Easter eggs that common people send to each other are very simple. They just paint the hard-boiled eggs red and have them consecrated by the priest. During the Renaissance, the custom of Easter eggs officially entered the French royal family. Ordinary eggs were replaced by gold eggs and decorated with precious gems. Since the 16th century, Easter eggs have also contained little surprises.