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Teach You How To Know Fabrics From Count And Density In 5 Minutes!

Teach You How To Know Fabrics From Count And Density In 5 Minutes!

About fabrics

Many outsiders, including those who have just entered the industry, may not be sure. Where are the expensive fabrics? Today, let's talk about how expensive fabrics are. First of all, we should know a few professional words. The influence of the count and density of fabric and the thickness of yarn on fabric. So how can you tell a good fabric? Here are some simple knowledge about count and density.

Yarn count

Generally speaking, yarn count is a unit used to measure yarn thickness. The common yarn counts are 30 counts, 40 counts, 60 counts, etc. The larger the number, the finer the yarn, the smoother the wool texture and the higher the grade. However, the number of fabrics is not necessarily related to the quality of fabrics. A fabric with more than 100 counts can be called "super". The concept of count is more suitable for worsted fabrics, but it has little significance for woolen fabrics, such as Harris tweed, which has low count.


High count

High count and high density generally represent the texture of pure cotton fabrics. "High count" refers to the high count of yarns used in fabrics, such as cotton yarns JC60S, JC80S, JC100S, JC120S, JC160S, JC260S, etc. The larger the count, the finer the count. In terms of production technology, the higher the yarn count, the longer the cotton wool used for spinning, such as "long-staple cotton" or "Egyptian long-staple cotton", so that the yarn is even, flexible and shiny.


High density

In every square inch of fabric, the warp yarns are called warp yarns and the weft yarns are called weft yarns. The sum of the number of warp yarns and the number of weft yarns is the density of the fabric. The so-called "high density" means that the warp and weft density of the fabric is very high, that is, there are many yarns per unit area, such as 300/sq. in, 400/sq. in, 600/sq. in, 1,000/sq. in, 12,000/sq. in, etc., and the higher the yarn, the higher the density fabric can be woven.


Plain weave fabric

Warp yarns and weft yarns are interwoven once every other yarn. This kind of fabric is called plain weave fabric. It is characterized by many interweaving points, crisp texture, the same appearance effect on both sides, light and thin fabric, good air permeability, about 30 counts and relatively low price.


Twill fabric

Warp and weft are interwoven at least once every two yarns, and the weave structure of the fabric can be changed by increasing or decreasing the interweaving points of warp and weft, which is collectively called twill fabric. It is characterized by positive and negative points, few interweaving points, long floating lines, soft feel, high fabric density, thick products and strong three-dimensional sense. There are 30, 40 and 60 branches.


Yarn-dyed fabric

Yarn-dyed fabric is made of yarn dyed in advance, instead of weaving the yarn into white grey fabric and then printing and dyeing the color. Yarn-dyed fabrics are uniform in color without chromatic aberration, and the color fastness will be better and will not fade easily.

Jacquard fabric: Compared with "printing" and "embroidery", it refers to the pattern formed by the change of warp and weft weave when the fabric is woven. Jacquard fabric requires fine yarn count and extremely high requirements for raw cotton.


Is the "high count and high density" fabric airtight?

High count and high density fabric, the yarn is very fine, so the fabric will feel very soft and have good gloss. Although it is a cotton fabric, it is as smooth as silk, more delicate and more skin-friendly, and its performance is better than that of ordinary yarn density fabric.

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