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5 ways to celebrate Earth Day

5 ways to celebrate Earth Day

Spring is here and Earth Day is coming!

If you want to do something fun and nature-related, here are some inspirations for you to celebrate Earth Day.


1. Drawing on rocks

Have fun setting the stone and using non-toxic paints to paint words, faces, patterns or anything else you can think of.

2. Make an Acorn Whistle

This is a great survival tool if you need to signal for help. Gather some acorn caps, draw a V shape with your thumb, and hold the caps in your hands. Place your upper lip on your thumb nail and your lower lip under your thumb knuckle, and blow! You may need to adjust your grip and angle to get it right, but you should end up with a loud whistle!

3. Learn how to identify trees

See if you can identify the trees around your yard. Trees are most commonly identified by their bark, leaves, and buds.

4. Clean up the local environment

Nothing says Earth Day more than cleaning up litter from local riverbanks, parks and community areas. With the right team, it can be a lot of fun! Encourage your friends and family to join you in a meaningful day that ends with a dinner to celebrate all the hard work.

5. Clean up invasive species

Learn which species are invasive in your area and how to properly identify them. Pulling invasive species out of the ground reduces competitive pressure on native trees and shrubs.

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