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Tips For Getting Rid Of Mites In Autumn And Winter

Tips For Getting Rid Of Mites In Autumn And Winter

Many people think that mites will disappear in winter, but they do not know that mites will be more active in winter, especially dust mites and carnivorous mites. They are indoor mites. No matter how cold the external environment is in winter, they will not be too big. Impact.

Mites also have a big impact on appearance. Do you feel that blackheads and acne increase in winter, your skin becomes rough, and your face becomes more oily? It's possible that mites have invaded your bedroom.

It is urgent to get rid of mites in winter. Today I will bring you some tips for getting rid of mites in daily life. Follow these steps and you will no longer have mites in winter.


1. High temperature sun exposure

For items that are not suitable for washing, such as pillow cores, quilts, blankets, etc., it is recommended to use high-temperature sun exposure to remove mites.

When the sun is out, you can take out the pillow core and quilt to dry in the sun. The survival temperature of dust mites is 20-25 degrees Celsius. Any temperature higher than this range can effectively eliminate mites.

How to operate

Exposure method:

In daily life, the simplest and most effective way to get rid of mites is to "sun". Sufficient sunshine is the nemesis of mites. The best time to dry the quilt is between 11 noon and 2 pm. During this time, there is sufficient sunshine and strong ultraviolet radiation. It will kill dust mites and reduce bacteria. On the other hand, exposure to the sun can also keep bedding dry and create an unsuitable living environment for dust mites.

Short-term exposure method:

Put a black plastic bag on it and use the black heat absorption principle to increase the efficiency of exposure, and it can be done in 2 hours.


Don't let the quilt sit in the sun for a whole day. There is a lot of moisture in the air at night. If you don't take the quilt home early and let the moisture get on the quilt again, the day will be wasted.

When patting a quilt, you need to distinguish the material of the quilt. If it is made of thicker materials such as cotton or polyester cotton, patting the quilt will make the quilt more fluffy and improve warmth retention. If it is a quilt made of silk, you cannot pat it with hard tools. , to avoid causing damage to the quilt, causing the fibers to break and agglomerate, and destroying the warmth retention property.


2. Wash regularly

Washable textiles such as four-piece sets and towels are recommended to be washed frequently. Dust mite secretions, excretions, and corpses are sources of allergies to dust mites. Even if the living body is killed, the allergens will not be eliminated, and cleaning can effectively control them.

How to operate

It is recommended to use hot water around 45 degrees Celsius and sulfur soap to wash large textiles. During the last wash, pour toilet water and soak for 20 minutes, then wring out and expose to the sun.

When cleaning small textiles, add salt or baking soda and soak them for 5 minutes, then scrub and expose them to the sun.


3. Freeze mite removal

Mites are not only afraid of heat, they are also afraid of cold. This method is especially suitable for friends in the north. In the winter in the north, you can dry the quilt outdoors in a dry and cold place for 6 to 24 hours, and then put it in the sun to dry. The mortality rate of the mites will be can be as high as 70%.


4. Buy antibacterial and anti-mite bedding products

In addition, if you want to be less troubled by bacterial mites, you can use bedding products with antibacterial and mite removal effects to inhibit the growth and reproduction of mites from the root and reduce the impact of bacterial mites on your sleep life.

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